Design and Implementation of a Food Delivery Notification System using Django

Pratibodh - Journal Editor (1) , Sarthak Jain (2) , Akashat Jain (3) , Sakshi Jain (4) , Anima Sharma (5)
(1) , India
(2) , India
(3) , India
(4) , India
(5) , India


This project involves the creation of an Online Food Delivery Notification System using the Django framework and a
PostgreSQL database. It incorporates several key features to enhance the user experience. Firstly, user authentication is
implemented, utilizing Django's built-in system for secure user registration, login, and profile management. The
platform allows users to intuitively manage their food orders, add items to their cart, review selections, place orders,
and access their order history. Real-time notifications, facilitated by technologies like Django channels, keep users
updated on their order status, including confirmation, food preparation progress, and estimated delivery times.

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Pratibodh - Journal Editor (Primary Contact)
Sarthak Jain
Akashat Jain
Sakshi Jain
Anima Sharma
Journal Editor, P. .-., Sarthak Jain, Akashat Jain, Sakshi Jain, & Anima Sharma. (2024). Design and Implementation of a Food Delivery Notification System using Django. PRATIBODH, (NCDSNS). Retrieved from
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