Predictive Analysis for Healthcare Sector

Pratibodh - Journal Editor (1) , Mohit Kumar Lalwani (2) , Ms. Anima Sharma (3)
(1) , India
(2) , India
(3) , India


The healthcare sector stands on the precipice of a data-driven transformation, harnessing the power of big data technology to revolutionize patient care, treatment outcomes, and resource allocation. Predictive analytics, a critical component of this transformation, empowers healthcare professionals with insights derived from vast datasets, enabling early disease detection, personalized treatment plans, and optimized operational efficiency. This research paper delves into the application of predictive analytics in the healthcare sector, specifically leveraging big data technology.
The paper begins by providing an overview of the growing data landscape in healthcare, emphasizing the diverse sources and formats of medical information, from electronic health records (EHR) to genomics and wearable device data. It highlights the challenges and opportunities posed by this wealth of data and introduces the pivotal role of big data technology in data storage, processing, and analysis.
Subsequently, the paper explores various applications of predictive analytics in healthcare, including patient risk stratification, readmission prediction, early disease diagnosis, and resource allocation. The discussion incorporates case studies and real-world examples, illustrating how predictive analytics has already transformed healthcare practices, ultimately improving patient outcomes and reducing costs.
The technical aspects of implementing predictive analytics in healthcare are explored, with a focus on machine learning algorithms, data preprocessing, and model validation. The paper also addresses ethical considerations, emphasizing the importance of data privacy, security, and fairness, particularly in healthcare settings.
The research concludes by highlighting the potential impact of predictive analytics in the healthcare sector, foreseeing a future where medical decisions are increasingly data-driven and individualized. It underscores the need for continued research, collaboration, and investment in big data technology and predictive analytics to unlock the full potential of data in healthcare, ultimately leading to more effective, efficient, and patient-centric healthcare systems.

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Pratibodh - Journal Editor (Primary Contact)
Mohit Kumar Lalwani
Ms. Anima Sharma
Journal Editor, P. .-., Mohit Kumar Lalwani, & Ms. Anima Sharma. (2024). Predictive Analysis for Healthcare Sector. PRATIBODH, (NCDSNS). Retrieved from
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