Decentralized Crowdfunding with Blockchain

Pratibodh - Journal Editor (1) , Mohak Bardwa (2) , Ms. Anima Sharma (3)
(1) , India
(2) , India
(3) , India


This research paper presents the design and implementation of a decentralized crowdfunding decentralized application (DApp) utilizing blockchain technology. The emergence of blockchain has disrupted traditional crowdfunding models by providing a decentralized and transparent platform for fundraising campaigns. The proposed DApp leverages the transparency, security, and efficiency of blockchain to enhance trust and accountability in crowdfunding.
The design of the decentralized crowdfunding DApp focuses on the integration of smart contracts, which automate the execution of crowdfunding campaigns based on predefined conditions. These smart contracts ensure transparent and tamper-proof transactions, eliminating the need for intermediaries and reducing the risk of fraud. Tokenization of assets is employed to enable fractional ownership and increase liquidity, allowing a wider range of investors to participate in crowdfunding campaigns.

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Pratibodh - Journal Editor (Primary Contact)
Mohak Bardwa
Ms. Anima Sharma
Journal Editor, P. .-., Mohak Bardwa, & Ms. Anima Sharma. (2024). Decentralized Crowdfunding with Blockchain. PRATIBODH, (NCDSNS). Retrieved from
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