Comparison study of React Native Versus Flutter

Pratibodh - Journal Editor (1) , Chintan Grover (2) , Opal Jain (3) , Aman Kaushik (4) , Dr. Vinita Mathur (5)
(1) , India
(2) , India
(3) , India
(4) , India
(5) , India


In the mobile development market, iOS and Android emerged as pivotal players. iOS, powered by Swift and Objective-C,
is celebrated for its exceptional user experience, while Android, utilizing Kotlin and Java has a very large user base. Due
to the presence of these two OS, the mobile apps are to be developed separately for both platforms. Cross-platform
frameworks allow developers to build applications for both iOS and Android using the same code, increasing efficiency
and decreasing the company's effort and cost. This research conducts a comparative analysis of React Native and
Flutter, two widely used cross-platform frameworks. It delves into the architecture, programming languages, and their
impact on developer productivity. The research paper compares the two platforms on UI components, compatibility,
and community growth. The research provides concise yet insightful guidance for developers, highlighting both the
advantages and disadvantages of cross-platform frameworks. It aims to aid developers in exploring the complexities of
modern cross-platform app development.

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Pratibodh - Journal Editor (Primary Contact)
Chintan Grover
Opal Jain
Aman Kaushik
Dr. Vinita Mathur
Journal Editor, P. .-., Chintan Grover, Opal Jain, Aman Kaushik, & Dr. Vinita Mathur. (2024). Comparison study of React Native Versus Flutter. PRATIBODH, (NCDSNS). Retrieved from
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