Handwritten Text Recognition using Machine Learning

Pratibodh - Journal Editor (1) , Bharat Mohta (2) , Dr. Vinita Mathur (3)
(1) , India
(2) , India
(3) , India


Handwriting Detection is a way or capacity of a System to obtain and interpret intelligible handwritten enter from
source consisting of paper files, contact screen, photographs etc. Handwritten textual content recognition is certainly
one of location sample reputation. The reason of pattern recognition is to categorize or type facts or object of one of the
training or categories. traditional structures of handwriting popularity have trusted handcrafted functions and a huge
amount of previous know-how. training an Optical character reputation (OCR) system based totally on those
prerequisites is a hard assignment. studies in the handwriting recognition field is centered on deep mastering strategies
and has executed step forward overall performance within the last few years. nevertheless, the speedy growth in the
amount of handwritten statistics and the provision of huge processing electricity needs improvement in popularity
accuracy and merits similarly research. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are very powerful in perceiving the
shape of handwritten characters/phrases in ways that help in computerized extraction of awesome features and make
CNN the maximum suitable approach for fixing handwriting popularity issues. This machine will be applied to discover
the writings of different layout. The improvement of handwriting is greater sophisticated, that's discovered numerous
styles of handwritten character together with digit, numeral, cursive script, symbols, and scripts inclusive of English and
different languages

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Pratibodh - Journal Editor
editor@pratibodh.org (Primary Contact)
Bharat Mohta
Dr. Vinita Mathur
Journal Editor, P. .-., Bharat Mohta, & Dr. Vinita Mathur. (2024). Handwritten Text Recognition using Machine Learning. PRATIBODH, (NCDSNS). Retrieved from https://pratibodh.org/index.php/pratibodh/article/view/117
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